The Top 1% Club

I ‘m Nick Kioroglou

- Award Winning Filmmaker And King Of High Performance -

I Started from zero, and have now built a Powerful Elite Network and Multiple Established Brands.

I'll share exclusive secrets to help you outperform 99% of individuals in every scenario.

Serious discussion of 4 men

Your Network Is Everything

Since the dawn of time, humans have operated in groups. We have always survived and thrived in communities where one can rely on others for guidance, assistance and growth.

All things of significance throughout history were achieved by men in groups. The Great Wall of China was not built by a single individual working alone. Napoleon wouldn’t become one of the greatest conquerors if he was not surrounded by his officers. And king Leonidas of Sparta wouldn’t hold back the entire Persian army if it was not for the handful of Spartans standing by his side.

That’s the power of having a tribe.

A Global Community

On the other hand, choosing the wrong tribe is equally, or sometimes, more devastating than not having one. And the only reason people stay in low-quality groups, is due to the need to belong somewhere, and be part of a group. You have to understand: by operating among losers, not only are you limiting your potential and power, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Humans experience different levels of growth based on their setting. Since you are the average of the five people you spend your most time with, the most important choice you can ever make then, is to position yourself among people who will elevate, inspire you to be the best at everything, and have your back at all times.

This is the one and only reason the High Performance Community was created. And now it’s back, and massively upgraded.


High performance is not a sporadic endeavor based on personal inclination, spare time availability, or something to be done during weekends. There is no half-assing it. Either you’re all in, or fold.

It’s about a specific way of navigating the world that will turn you into an insanely efficient and powerful force. Once fully embraced, this mindset will seamlessly blend into your everyday way of functioning.

It is also not meant for everyone.

This is why normal people live average uneventful lives, and this is why the top 1% are the top 1%.

Your call.

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