Nick Kioroglou (Born 29 May, 1995) is an independent Complete Filmmaker from Thessaloniki, Greece.

Science Background:

Taking an interest in electric engineering, Astronomy and Aerospace Engineering from a young age, Nick excelled in multiple contests on a national and European scale. At age 16 he was one of the 6 individuals to complete an evaluation program and receive a full scholarship on Aerospace Engineering Studies in the US, but eventually declined for personal reasons, and returned to his home country. Two years later Nick was handpicked as one of the representatives of the science Division Dispatched to CERN for the upcoming project, and again upon completing the Task rejected the idea of working as a research scientist.
Eventually he went to college to study Quantum Physics and Astronomy, which he quit on the third year. When asked by the professors why did he quit at the top of his game, he
replied: “When I was young I thought being a scientist is cool, but growing up I realized being rich is cooler”. During those years, Nick also claimed a series of awards (Best Audiovisual Presentation, Best Design) in science and technology conferences, on the topics of: Science of meteors,
Robotics engineering, Aerofoil and fuselage Design.

Business Background:

Nick was born to a family of small business owners operating locally, and were solely focused in the Food Industry. Although his family’s business was small-scale, Nick had the opportunity to observe corporate environments from a young age. Throughout the decade he dedicated to science, he also got involved in a variety of other businesses including, but are not limited to: High-End Clothing, Textile Commerce, Residential Renovation, Public speech Presentations, Affiliate Transactions, and Private Coaching. Nick’s major personal ventures took place between the years 2013-2018, establishing him in the industries of Filmmaking, Tailored Clothing and Consulting.

Nick Kioroglou


Social Sciences Background:

From the age of 12 Nick started observing and studying the primary differences individuals
had in their character traits, and how those attributes steered them toward certain paths in life, helping some evolve, and others regress. Since then he has conducted his own, never
before published, studies on the fields of:

Having observed, studied and applied his techniques on hundreds of thousands of people from all age groups and with different backgrounds, he has developed a unique
understanding of human behavior that can also be seen in his films, and in his aggressive yet
adaptable negotiating style.

Filmmaking Background:

During a photo shooting for his family business, Nick happened to cross paths with a coworker of the photographer, an experienced editor. At that time Nick had no technical knowledge on filmmaking, but had already won multiple awards from presentations on science conferences. One of the Biggest Eureka Moments for the time being, Nick then made the connection that he was already presenting to a live audience the experience of still images combined with timed music and narration, so it can also be done with Video. For the following months he dedicated vast amounts of time towards mastering the science of Editing, completing projects of all Magnitudes, later extending to all the other 4 pillars of filmmaking: Narrative, Cinematography, Sound design and Mise-en-scene.

Since, he has completed dozens of short films, corporate commercials, trailers and more,
experimented with many different genres of motion picture, and has experience on every level of independent filmmaking.

Nick’s signature Visual style consists of High Contrast, Highly Saturated imagery, combined with a Dynamic Camerawork. Signature Shots are low angle and rotating. He is also one of
the few that still favor anamorphic lenses for specific projects.

Personal Life:

Regarding ancestry Nick is of a mixed background, coming from a Greek family on his father's side, and his mother's side originating from the Ottoman Empire. He also has a younger brother.

Over the years Nick has been also referred to as:


Button that displays nonverbal communication